Whether it’s expressing you’re not ready for visitors yet, carving out a few moments of downtime each day, or gently asking that unsolicited advice be held back, boundaries are essential for your well-being and your baby’s. You deserve to parent your way, and we’re here to help you find the confidence to set boundaries that work for you!
As a new parent, you’re juggling a lot—physical recovery, a tsunami of hormones and emotions, sleep deprivation, and figuring out what your brand new baby needs. Boundaries help protect your energy, foster a supportive environment from the get-go, and make space for the kind of parenting experience YOU want to have. Without them, it’s easy to feel stretched too thin or overwhelmed by the expectations of others.
We asked followers of Happy Mum Happy Baby for their experiences of setting boundaries, and here’s what they said…
“We didn’t have visitors for 2 weeks, and even then, it was just grandparents. Best decision we ever made.”
“Before my birth, I was cautious of fueling the anxiety I had around birth. So I politely asked my friends to not to recount birth stories and stuck to my own research.”
“Had no visitors for a week and didn’t go out to visit others for a month. Just us in our bubble, getting to know this new little person, was the best decision ever.”
“I didn’t need the pressure of having people over while I was trying to figure out what the hell I was doing!”
The results are in: setting boundaries helps protect your time, energy, and mental health during a challenging and transformative time!
Let’s dive into some practical examples of boundaries you might consider, along with simple prompts to help you communicate them… either over text or in person.
It’s okay to delay visits while you adjust to life with your new baby. One of our followers shared:
“Just yesterday, I decided I didn’t want visitors the first day after I gave birth. My mother-in-law wasn’t happy, but I’m glad I stuck to my boundary because c-section recovery is tough!”
Here’s how you can phrase it:
“Hi [insert name], we’re focusing on bonding as a family right now and aren’t ready for visitors just yet. We’ll let you know when we’re ready to welcome visitors—thank you for understanding!”
“We’d love for you to meet [baby’s name]! Could we plan a short visit on [specific day/time]? We’re keeping things brief for the time being so we can all rest.”
Your baby’s immune system is still developing, and it’s perfectly reasonable to ask for precautions from any visitors:
“Hi [insert name], just a quick heads-up: we’re asking visitors to wash hands and avoid visiting if they’re feeling unwell. Thanks for helping us keep [baby’s name] safe!”
“One of our rules is no kissing [baby’s name]—please help us stick to this to keep them safe.”
Parenting comes with plenty of opinions, but you’re the one who gets to decide what works for your family. How you can phrase this boundary with loved ones:
“We appreciate your love and support, but we’re asking everyone to hold off on advice unless we ask for it. Thank you for understanding!”
“Thanks for the advice! We’re trying to figure out what works best for us, so we’re sticking to our plan for now.”
Setting a routine for your new family might be a top priority, and it’s okay to make this clear to others:
“We’re keeping visits short because nap times are sacred for both me and [baby’s name].”
“[Baby’s name] feeds on a specific schedule, so we ask that visits be timed around this to avoid disruptions. Thank you!”
You can’t pour from an empty cup, and it’s vital to create space for rest and self-care— and that can look like setting boundaries with your partner too. Open communication about your needs and how they can help is key.
Non-birth partners may sometimes feel disconnected or unsure how to help, particularly if they aren’t involved in feeding. Setting boundaries can not only give you the support you need but also provide your partner with opportunities to feel more connected and involved.
You could phrase it like:
“Hey love, I’m feeling pretty tired lately. Can we come up with a plan for taking turns at night so we both get some rest? It’d mean a lot to me.”
“I’d love for us to stay consistent with [specific decision, like feeding or sleep routines]. Can we chat about how to handle this together so we’re on the same page?”
“I really need a bit of time to recharge each day. Can we figure out a routine where I can get 30 minutes for myself while you spend time with [baby’s name]?”
It’s never too late to set boundaries—whether it’s with your first baby or subsequent ones. Experience often brings clarity, and it’s okay to approach things differently the second time around.
One of @happymumhappybaby’s followers shared their perspective:
“I’m putting many boundaries in place the second time around. I wish I had done it for my first because the early days were ruined to a degree. There will be people who won’t like this, but tough this time!”
While every family is different, here are more examples of boundaries that might resonate with you as a new parent:
Setting boundaries can feel uncomfortable at first, especially with loved ones. Here are a few tips to make it easier:
Boundaries aren’t about shutting people out—they’re about creating space for you, your baby, and your family to thrive. Whether it’s limiting visitors, prioritising nap time, or holding firm on social media privacy, remember that your well-being is important.