“Loneliness and isolation pushed me into being a full time working mum. Running away from the silent anxious thoughts in my head that clouded every inch of joy that comes with being a mum.
When work didn’t remove my fears and anxiety, I realised I had to do something different! I embarked on a therapeutic journey that challenged me to my core. However, I learned to love myself more and trust in the decisions I was making for my family.
4 years on and I’m still working full-time but this time round I’m managing much better than before. I enjoy my boys; their highs and their lows. I embrace our differences and uniqueness as a family and trust me we have loads. The Yusuff’s… the intercultural, interfaith, blended family of 6!
I have met like-minded mums, some who have become friends for life. We support each other, push each other and empower each other. I now feel like I’m at a place in my life where I no longer have to be my own hero, champion myself or quieten down my fears. I have a community to help me do that and one which allows me to be vulnerable.
The first step for me was admitting and accepting something wasn’t right, and after this things started falling into place. “ – @onehonestmama_
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