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Conversations to have with your partner postpartum

Navigating life with your newborn is a major transitional time for you and your partner’s relationship, and maintaining open and honest communication is essential for staying connected and supported through all the ups and downs.

Whilst there’s no way to predict exactly what those ups and downs will be, here are some common challenges you can explore together in the hopes of feeling better prepared for the postpartum period. 

Continuing on from part one of Conversations To Have With Your Partner Before Birth, dive into these heart-to-heart’s now that baby has arrived. 


Reclaiming “Me-Time” Without Guilt

  • How can we each carve out moments of “me-time” to recharge?
  • What activities help us feel refreshed and more like ourselves?
  • How can we support each other in taking breaks without feeling guilty?


Maintaining Emotional Connection as New Parents

  • What’s important for us to feel emotionally connected to each other?
  • What does intimacy & connection look like for us, beyond sex? 
  • Do we feel comfortable communicating our feelings around physical intimacy? And if not, how can we help each other communicate?


Adjusting to New Routines and Expectations

  • How can we be more flexible with our daily routines?
  • What tasks or responsibilities are causing the most stress, and how can we adjust?
  • How do we communicate when we’re feeling overwhelmed or need support?


Navigating Sleep Deprivation and Night Duties

  • How can we better share nighttime duties to ensure we both get rest?
  • Is there a schedule we can try, like alternating nights or shifts?
  • How do we handle days when one of us is more exhausted than the other?


Navigating Parental Leave

  • How can we best use our parental leave to support each other?
  • How will we manage childcare and household responsibilities differently?
  • How can the parent at work support the parent at home, and vice versa. 


Checking In On Mental and Emotional Well-being

  • How are we really feeling today? What’s been the most challenging part of this week?
  • What do we need from each other to feel more supported right now?
  • Do we need outside support, like counseling or community resources?


Supporting Feeding Without Pressure

  • How is the feeding journey going, and what challenges are we facing?
  • If breastfeeding, how can the non-feeding partner support, whether through burping, nappy changes, or emotional support?
  • Should we explore other feeding options if what we’re doing isn’t working?


Revisiting and Adapting Parenting Decisions

  • Are the routines and systems we initially set up still working for us?
  • Is there anything we’d like to change or try differently?
  • How do we handle differing opinions on parenting approaches?


Parenting a newborn is a beautiful, messy, and emotional journey. Whether you’re navigating sleep deprivation, redefining intimacy, or finding ways to reconnect with yourself, the key is to communicate openly, without judgment or blame. By leaning on each other, you can face this new chapter as a stronger team.

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