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A letter to a NICU mother | NICU Awareness Month

I see you NICU mama 

I see you sitting next to the incubator, physically trying to heal, uncomfortable, unsure, uncertain 

I see you, with tired eyes, not being woken by your baby in the night, but with the worry and the need to pump 

I see the pain, the loss, the grief, the guilt, the anxiety, the thoughts of what could happen. I see the disconnect from how you thought this was going to be. The deep sadness that this is how it is. 

I see you NICU mama, holding your baby at home, worrying about it all, what the impact will be, with shoulds and shouldnts circling your mind. 

Shouldn’t I be over this by now?

Shouldn’t my child be doing this by now?

Shouldn’t I feel different by now?

I see the moments when joy feels far away and all that seems to cloud your mind is thoughts of what could be or what could have been. 

I see you NICU mama, years down the line, it’s supposed to feel like a distant memory, but it’s like you can touch the experience still. Like it’s still there in your life, ever present. I see how you still watch that little bit closer, monitor that little bit more, protect that little bit extra. 

I see how tirelessly you have fought. I see how fiercely you have loved. I see how exhausted you have been and how much you have sacrificed. 

I see you. I hear you. I’m with you. Today and every day. Know you’re not alone. 


Poem by Dr Frankie Harrison, co-founder of Miracle Moon

Miracle Moon makes it their mission to support NICU families and provide a safe, nurturing space for parents navigating the challenges of neonatal intensive care.


The NICU Space

Miracle Moon have recently developed a community membership for NICU families, The NICU Space. 

The platform provides tools and resources that hold your hand from NICU to months or years after you are home, connect with others and find the support you need. Join to access mental health support, expert resources, and a community of parents and specialists who understand the NICU journey. Designed by NICU families, for NICU families, find out more here.

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