We asked our community to submit what took them by surprise when they fell pregnant, and here’s what they said.
How attached I would get to my bump
Feeling confident and proud of my body after years of not loving it
How difficult it became to put my socks on
When your waters break… they keep on breaking!
How unbearably poorly it can make you
How unrealistic TV and film make it out to be
Not feeling excited about it all the time
How HEAVY my body felt those last few weeks
How much sex I wanted to have
How hard it was
I felt invincible. I wish I could bottle that feeling
The heartburn
How quickly 9 months can go by
How much I actually enjoyed it, when I had been told how awful it was
How different each pregnancy was
How much I disliked my body and the fact I didn’t have control over how it changed
People wanting to touch your belly or commenting on it
Noticing the UK has a serious lack of public toilets
Getting lots of skin tags which then disappeared postpartum
The fact morning sickness doesn’t just happen in the morning
How weird everything smelt!
Being pregnant made me feel superhuman for a bit
How unglamourous it was – smelly pee, swollen boobs, sore pelvis
How much my body was pushed to its limit
Middle of the night leg cramps
Telling friends and family and watching their tears of joy
Lightning crotch
How much I’d miss it
Uncontrollable cravings for chicken nuggets
How excited people were for a new little one to join the world
That my feet changed size
Gingivitis (bleeding gums)
How differently people treated me
Feeling a really special bond with my baby and like they were all mine
The nosebleeds
Unpopular opinion – I loved when strangers would comment on my bump
How my hair never got greasy
How guilty I felt at the time for not enjoying being pregnant
How I could never find maternity clothes in the shops
People I barely knew asking if the pregnancy was planned
Worrying about every little pain, particularly after loss
How physically vulnerable I felt – like I wouldn’t be able to defend myself or run away from danger if needed
My baby moving inside me felt weird and not always comforting
The metallic taste in your mouth
How much better my mental health and mood was
The boob pain
Turning the toilet seat purple!
How bad restless legs can be
The hot flushes
How thick my hair got – but then started falling out postpartum
Feeling my heartbeat in my bump
How breathless I get.. even talking
The audacity of other people
Getting piles
How lonely it can feel
The sheer amount of Rennies I went through
How calm I was about giving birth
How much space people give you to pass on the pavement